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    Neighborhood Projects

    Neighborhood Projects

    Current projects/initiatives include:

    • Supporting our HPOZ through HPOZ Board representation and neighborhood education
    • Representing our neighborhood on the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council (HHWNC)
    • Enhancing Gardner Junction, our Sunset Commercial Zone
    • Improving pedestrian and vehicle safety, especially around Gardner Street School
    • Supporting Gardner Street School
    • Increasing communication via the neighborhood website
    • Continuing our annual Block Party and adding events
    • Collecting donations from production companies filming in Sunset Square for the projects above

    We welcome your feedback!  Please click here to send an email to Sunset Square.

    We are in AREA 7 of the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council.  Please click here to sign up for updates on meetings/agendas related to development and initiatives that impact our area.

    Annual Dues

    Coming soon.  To support our mission, we will solicit annual voluntary donations.  The neighborhood has informally collected donations over the years to support our HPOZ and zoning efforts.  For example, we paid $32,000 for the required survey to become an HPOZ.  The money collected will be spent on items such as HPOZ signage, beautification efforts, zoning issues, neighborhood events, and other suggested items.

    Contribute To Sunset Square

    Annual Dues

    Volunteer Board

    The following individuals comprise the volunteer neighborhood board:
    Cheryl Holland (Ogden): President / Sunset Commercial Zone
    Laura Grenfell (Gardner):  Secretary / Sunset Commercial Zone / Website
    Halsted Sullivan (Sierra Bonita):  Treasurer
    Jeff Smalley (Curson):  Sunset Commercial Zone
    Jane Crockett (Orange Grove):  HHWNC Second Vice-President
    Lincoln Williamson (Courtney): HHWNC Area 7 Chair
    Wendy Kneedler (Ogden):  HPOZ Board
    Julia Wasson (Sierra Bonita):  Sunset Commercial Zone
    Lindy Goldstein (Ogden):  Business Attraction / Block Party
    Courtney Small (Courtney):  United Neighbors
    Damian Mlotkowski (Vista):  Block Party Chair / Communications

    The following individuals serve on neighborhood committees:
    Dave Crockett (Orange Grove):  Filming Committee
    Jenifer Barkon (Sierra Bonita): Filming Committee

    Volunteer Board

    Block Party

    Block Party

    The 23rd ANNUAL SUNSET SQUARE BLOCK PARTY on Sunday, October 27, 2024, was a smashing success!  More than 300 residents in our community turned out to enjoy a pre-Halloween celebration together.  There were incredible costumes (pets included), great food, music by The School of Rock, and plenty of fun activities!  Huge thanks go to many of the fabulous businesses in our surrounding Gardner Junction commercial district as well as neighbors with local businesses that made significant contributions.  We couldn’t hold such an amazing event without the generosity of our sponsors.

    Please contact Damian Mlotkowski to volunteer or to be a business or food sponsor for October 2025!







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    © Copyright 2018 Sunset Square Neighborhood Organization. All rights reserved. | Site Credits


    The Sunset Square Neighborhood Organization is a voice for preservation of our historic neighborhood in Hollywood. The group is involved in many projects to improve and preserve the area and make life safer and more enjoyable for our community. Please help to continue this important work by joining the SSNO at the following membership level.

    My payment of $100 is made to:

    Sunset Square Neighborhood Org.
    C/O 1525 N Ogden, Los Angeles, CA 90046