
In 1910, just three months after Hollywood was annexed to the City of Los Angeles, the Gardner Street School was established at the southeast corner of Gardner Street and Hawthorn Avenue, just north of Gardner Junction.  Sunset Square, this is OUR school!  When our neighborhood school thrives, our community thrives. This is where our future leaders learn and play and grow. This is where they develop the skills to be good citizens that give back to their own communities – and now we’re asking you to give back to yours.

Watch this inspiring video featuring the Gardner Street Art ProgramPlease donate to Gardner Street School and help to foster the educational foundation of our neighborhood and our community.  

Gardner Street School is committed to furthering students’ and teachers’ passion for learning in a safe, caring and inspiring student-centered environment. Through research-based practices such as the workshop approach, we promote higher order thinking, social and emotional learning, mindfulness, creativity, and problem solving. Gardner also offers an inclusive and diverse education, with 30 percent of students coming from non-English speaking homes and 60 percent qualifying for free or reduced lunch. It is only through sponsorships and donations that we are able to provide every child with PE, music, art, yoga and edible gardening programs – which we believe to be an essential part of a balanced curriculum to help make our kids healthier and happier. Contact us for a tour and donate now.



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